
Crafting and building
Crafting and building

Menéndez’s career as a fiction writer, as well as her wide ranging journalistic and academic careers, have shaped the global perspective and deep understanding of the craft of writing that shine through The Apartment.

crafting and building

Our conversation tilted toward influences (John Cheever, Virginia Woolf, Georges Perec, Alejo Carpentier, Juan Rulfo) and subtleties of process, creating a master class on the page. All are connected through an art deco building in South Miami Beach. The Apartment is an evocative, haunting narrative weaving in multiple voices over a span of decades (even centuries, including the opening pages) and including immigrants from points around the globe. The big advantage is the possibility of collective survival.Ana Menéndez’s dazzling new novel-in-stories expands upon her revelatory chronicles of Cubans and Cuban-Americans that started with her first story collection, In Cuba I Was a German Shepherd (with its unforgettable opening line, “Here in America, I may be a short, insignificant mutt, but in Cuba I was a German shepherd.”). The player can engage in simple survival or capture the bases of other users when playing online. The application has no restrictions in terms of the development of the storyline. The main goal of the gameplay is to collect the maximum amount of useful resources that will help the character survive in a huge open world. The game, by analogy with the PC, supports multiplayer connection over the network. The player is surrounded by familiar landscapes of cubes and mobs. General description of the game applicationGraphically, the application has no significant differences from the computer "Minecraft". Users can work with all available functions and settings without restrictions.

crafting and building

The list of main tasks is supplemented with the possibility of building various objects, fighting monsters and their bosses, as well as breeding pets, which will later supply the player with food. Compared to other similar applications, Crafting and Building is distinguished by the presence of many interesting quests. Among the total number of cubes, you can extract useful resources and building materials. The user has access to a wide range of functions.

crafting and building

The main storyline of the game is built on the survival of the player in an open world. Crafting and Building Developed based on famous computer games " Survivalcraft" and " Minecraft".

Crafting and building